Tuesday, June 24, 2014

How to Treat Dark Skin for Acne

Acne treatments seen on television or in the beauty section of a drug store don't generally meet the needs of people with dark skin, especially those of African descent. Dark-skinned people develop acne that differs from light-skinned suffers, necessitating alternate treatments. Always talk to a dermatologist before trying a new skin regimen.


  • Try to find the reason acne is forming on your skin. People with dark skin often use pomade oil on their hair to make it more manageable. According to the AcneNet website, forehead acne develops in 70.3 percent of people who use pomade oil. Forehead acne consists of whiteheads and blackheads, but can be treated by discontinuing pomade oil use or preventing pomade oil from coming in contact with your skin. Another cause of acne in people of color is over moisturizing the skin to relieve dryness.

  • Avoid any acne fighting products that dry the skin to fight acne, such as cleansers and topical treatments that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, unless a dermatologist has recommended the product. Benzoyl peroxide can cause skin discoloration and can further irritate colored skin. Use a gentle oil-free cleanser that will not dry out your skin.

  • Rather than harsh over the counter products, a dermatologist can prescribe a prescription retinoid to treat acne.

  •  Use a moisturizer that is "noncomedogenic," which will not clog pores. Only moisturize after cleaning your skin, so your pores are clean when the moisturizer is applied. You can also find "noncomedogenic" sunscreen.

  •  Treat dark spots with a skin lightening product recommended by your dermatologist. Colored skin with healing acne or inflamed spots can develop dark spots that do not disappear on their own.

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