Sunday, June 22, 2014

How To Get Rid Of Blackheads The Easy Way

What are some ways to get rid of blackheads? Blackheads are a common type of pimple formed because of excessive oil production from the sebaceous glands. These are medically known as "open comedones" that are partially clogged which permits some of the sebum to become trapped inside the pore. They usually appear on the face but can also appear on the nose. Blackheads get their color from the oxidation of air with the bacteria and not dirt as commonly believed. No kind of acne is fun. Luckily, you have a few treatment options to get rid of blackheads.

Many consider using topical and commercial treatments at the first appearance of a pimple. Tretonoin is a commonly used treatment for blackheads and it can be found in products with Retin-A. This is a derivative of Vitamin A and it helps the skin heal faster by removing the sloughed cells and making fresh skin. The only drawback is it may irritate those with sensitive skin. 
Benzoyl peroxide is another ingredient found in numerous acne products. It works by drying up the excess oils. Purchase creams or cleansers with at least 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. Anything less will not be as effective since blackheads are harder to get rid of than most kinds of acne.

Natural remedies are best. Dilute lemon juice and rub on infected areas three times per day. Lemon is a natural bleach and antiseptic. Repeat this each day until the blackheads vanish. You can make facial masks out of ingredients right from your own kitchen. Blend rose water and oatmeal to create a paste thick enough to spread. Leave fifteen minutes and wash off with cold water. Warm honey and rub on the spots. Let it set fifteen minutes and rinse with warm water.

Like with any other type of acne, squeezing or forcefully trying to get rid of blackheads is not a good idea. When you pop or squeeze pimples, you may take away a portion of them but all you are doing is pushing the rest deeper in the skin. It is better to apply gentle products that help the blackheads heal by themselves. Though it may take some time, this is better for your skin. Also avoid products with alcohol and other substances which may redden skin.

These are a few suggestions on how to remove blackheads. Natural remedies are best to try first. They may take longer to work but come with far fewer side effects. Medicine can be used when all else fails. If you use commercial treatment, select the product with caution. If you notice any skin irritation, stop using the product right away. Your doctor is always the best source of advice.
By: Sandy Rutherforde

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