Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Get Rid Of Back Acne Fast

Back acne treatment should be devised keeping the above causes in mind. Back acne appears on the skin as whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, papules, pustules and in some severe cases as cystic acne. Back acne affects both men and women, usually at the onset of puberty. It may last till the age of 40 and sometimes even beyond that. In some cases, the affected person feels embarrassed, leading to his social isolation. There are a number of back acne home remedies for acne control and acne prevention. Some of them have been listed below.


1. Applying ice several times a day is helpful in clearing acne fast. Ice will reduce the inflammation and help the skin heal faster. You can also apply a good quality toner instead. Make sure your skin does not completely dry out. In such a case reduce the number of applications. Applying frozen milk is another good method of how to get rid of acne fast.

2. You can also use the white of the egg on the pimples to ensure fast healing, as egg white can quickly dry up the pimples.

3. Have you ever just skipped a meal out of the blue? This is what intermittent fasting is. Skip your next meal. I have never personally tried this, but I fully how it can work. If you eat 3 meals a day then kudos to you. But, sometimes it is necessary to let your digestive system rest for a little while longer. A poor, stressed out digestive system will most certainly lead to an acne breakout as they are directly related. So, skip your next meal whether it is breakfast, lunch, or dinner. If you feel faint, then please do eat. If you feel this way, then you are not getting a sufficient amount of calories. Eat more at your meals and then try fasting. Every week or 2, skip a meal for some intermittent fasting allowing your digestive system to rest.

4. Soothe acne flare-ups with aloe vera. The enzyme-rich gel found inside of aloe vera leaves contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Gently massage some fresh aloe vera gel onto the flare-ups. Leave it on your skin to give it a chance to reduce redness and kill bacteria. You can buy pure aloe vera gel from a health food store if you don't have any plants. Some individuals also drink aloe vera juice to detoxify their digestive tracts. Cleansing the body also can help clear up acne.

5. Lemon juice is another effective cure for acne. Just squeeze a lemon to derive the juice, and add some rose water to it. Now, apply it on the pimple and let it dry, before washing it off with clean water.

6. Clear up acne with tea tree oil, which comes from the Melaleuca alternifoliais tree found in Australia. It has an antimicrobial agent called terpinen, which can help clear up acne caused by bacteria. Simply dip a cotton swab into pure tea tree oil. Gently dab it on acne spots. Use tea tree oil twice a day for best results. Tea tree oil is gentle on the skin, has no known side effects and typically leaves no scarring after the acne has healed.

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