Saturday, January 4, 2014

Have You Heard Of The Blue Light Pimple Remedy?

The other day, I received an email from a co-author on my site on the subject of using laser treatment for acne based on a previous discussion we had had.

This led me to surfing some acne blogs and then I stumbled on a rather interesting discovery known as blue light pimple remedy.

I‘googled’ it up and came across some information and thought might be a good idea to share what I conjured with the rest of the uninformed.

Apparently, this form of acne treatment known as ‘a blue light pimple remedy’ has recently been approved by the FDA to treat mild to moderate acne.

Its advocates state that blue light pimple remedy works by killing the P. acne bacteria. The light may either be used alone or in conjunction with a topical treatment.

Suffice it to say that its makers and endorsers state that, it's being reported that one of the main benefits of blue light pimple remedy is the minimal incidence of any such occurrences.

In spite of all the pro-factors, the main disadvantage is that blue light pimple remedy is new and in some respects unproven.

Even of more significance is that many people in the medical field believe that use of light therapy ages the skin, and leaves it more susceptible skin cancers.

Let’s not forget the fact that even if it does get endorsed per-se and becomes a main-stream option, it sure is going to cost a lot of money.

Well, I have to let out sigh as I wish more people could realize that as most of my articles and postings on the subject of acne state,'s best bet for acne skin-care blemish medication treatment begins with your diet, and trust me, with other common sense tips (free and non-time consuming), just about anyone can get rid of acne...and naturally at that.

Hey, if you need any ‘light’ to help with controlling acne, simply try the good ol’ warm rays of the sun…and some fresh air.

To clearer skin Friends.

Yours Truly,


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