Sunday, December 8, 2013

How to Treat Adult Acne Cysts

Adult acne can be painful and uncontrollable. It can destroy your self-confidence and self esteem. Sometimes you get painful cysts that appear to never go away and when they do, they leave scars. There are some things you can do to help in the treatment of these cysts and to relieve pain and to minimize scarring.

• Apply a warm cloth or hot compress to the cyst as you feel a rise. Hold onto your skin for five minutes at a time, 5-10 times per day. Make sure you use a clean cloth or towel, because the last thing you need is more dirt or bacteria on the skin.

• Cleanse your skin twice a day, morning and before bedtime. After cleaning your skin moisten a cotton ball with hydrogen peroxide. Hold the cotton ball on the cyst for a few minutes. This will kill some bacteria, under the skin and the reduction of the size.

• Apply a moisturizer after each cleaning and treatment with hydrogen peroxide. You want your skin to stay hydrated, since dry skin can cause skin irritation even more.

• Press the red-eye gaze falls back on a cotton ball. Place the cotton ball on the cyst. Hold it there for a minute or two. The drops help the redness.

• Go see a dermatologist. If you have an upcoming important event that you need to do your best face to go see a dermatologist. The dermatologist can give you a cortisone injection that your cyst will go down in a few days time.

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